LIFE STYLE: Abuja Female Banker Sends Hubby Packing For Impregnating Their 2 Househelps In 1 Year

Wonders shall never end. I found this interesting piece of gist on City People. 2 househelps in 1 year. This is just shocking and ridiculous.
Read the full story below..
For Abuja top banker, Onome, who is in her late thirties or early forties, these are not the best of times. Reason? She eventually decided a few days back to send her husband of 4 years packing after it became obvious that the guy would not change. It all started when shortly after their marriage in the city’s registry in AREA 10 Garki, Abuja. Less than two weeks in the marriage, Dickson, her husband was always seen cruising her car about town with young ladies while she was busy at work. Reports of his activities came to her hearing but she turned a deaf ear thinking it was out of jealousy as the guy is quite handsome and a suave speaker.
When it became too much, she allegedly confronted Dickson who claimed the girls were models he was trying to groom. After much pressure, Dickson allegedly quit his job a scout for models and events manager to face contracts which he got through hsi wife. However, he went back to his ways and from then on, the couple had been in and out of crisis. It came to a head about two weeks back when she decided that he had done enough damage.
Once, when she went abroad to deliver the couple’s only child, before she came back Dickson had impregnated the house help who happens to be a distant cousin of hers. She had to find a way to take care of the girl so that the story would not become a major scandal. In the process, people from her church were involved as much as Dickson’s own parents. The guy was said to have promised to turn a new leaf and indeed showed elements of remorse which made the wife to believe that he ahd indeed changed.
Based on this, she was said to have secured a loan for him to start a small business while she restored his use of her cars which he had been forbidden from touching. About two months back, she had to travel out of Abuja for some meetings and a course in lagos. Given the nature of her husband’s business she allegedly asked her mother to come and help assist in taking care of her only child as the child was just recovering from a major operation.
The old lady was said to have been taken aback by her son-in law’s closeness to the house help and she mentioned it to her daughter who with benefit of hindsight sent the girl pakcing immediately. Two weeks after the girl was sent packing the househelp’s relations came to the house to meet Dickson’s mother in law and inform her that their daughter was pregnant for Dickson. Onome, according to sources, flew back to Abuja from Lagos and went home to throw her husband’s things out of the house swearing to get him arrested and rot in jail if he ever come near the house again.
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