Help!! My Fiancee says he didn't use my pic on Valentines day because of network

Hi Walker,I have a pressing issue and hope your readers can help me out. Yesterday being Valentine my boyfriend of 6 years who proposed in Feb 2012 couldn't spend the day with me because being a Friday, we both went to work. However,I expected him to comeback home around 6 so we could maybe have dinner, he claimed he was held up at work till 9pm and then called to say he would see me today and we will go out for our own Valentine.
That is not the issue, Yesterday this man didn't use me on his Blackberry DP, no sweet message and anything. When I asked him around 3pm, he said he has done that.I told him it was still a pic of him on his dP, he said maybe it was network.He still said it was Network by 7pm.I use MTN like him and I had him on my Dp.
This morning, he came with no gift and when I confronted him, he said why am I trying to fight over a picture,he said is he not engaged to marry me and I should not bother him with things which don't matter. I'm also shocked he didn't buy a gift and he earns alot.I don't want to ask him about that because inthe past he always gives me gifts
I'm still scared that maybe he had someone on his BB he didn't want to know about me. Am I over-reacting?
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